The Walter Crane Lunettes at the Royal West Academy of Arts in Bristol are located at the top of the stairwell, and are a fantastic example of the Artist's works. Neglected for years, the lunettes were recently restored by Elizabeth Holford and her team. These pictures were taken before the Lunettes were restored, and were used for the condition report for the restoration project.For this reason, the colours in the pictures below are not as bright and vibrant as they are in 'real life'.

Click on the images to see more images from specific lunettes.

The Sculputure Lunette at the RWA in Bristol

The Painting Lunette at the RWA in Bristol

The Craftsmanship Lunette at the RWA in Bristol

The Architecture Lunette at the RWA in Bristol

View more images from the RWA project
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With thanks to the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol